Willy Simons-Mostenitorul lui Oud Doffertje
- All products
- Uncategorized0 products
- Licitatii149 products
- Licitatii in desfasurare149 products
- P. van de Woestijne & Fiul, LICITATIE TOTALA12 products
- Fer Morshinkhof (NL) Licitatie Totala-FINAL12 products
- EVENIMENT: Freialdenhofen & Söhne ULTIMA PARTE7 products
- Jorg Arens (DE) -TOP Fond, OLR, General12 products
- Vanzare Totala a regretatului Koble Tiberiu (Ciumbrud, AB)26 products
- Reduceri de pret & Oferte80 products
- Licitatii viitoare0 products
- Licitatii in desfasurare149 products
- Willy Simons-Mostenitorul lui Oud Doffertje10 products
- GTH Loft – Maraton cu genetica de top (Final)3 products
- Friedhelm Peitz: 100% Hardy Kruger (FINAL)8 products
- Franz Lange-Best of Dirk van den Bulck2 products
- Peter van der Haar (NL)-TOP Maraton LOT FINAL2 products
- Club Marathon Kings (PH)12 products
- Axel Verschueren, BELGIA0 products
- Wilfried Soeder, GERMANIA0 products
- Hannes Van Droogenbroeck, Belgia3 products
- Norbert Tűri, Ungaria (Viteza-General)13 products
- Ferald van Ark, Heerde, Olanda0 products
- Mircea Capatana, Neamt8 products
- Licitatie caritabila pentru Gheorghita Tabaras15 products
- AP OVERWATER "Maraton de Loc 1 National" (Ultimul Lot)0 products
- Chris Paauwe – 1 Int Gouden Duif Long Distance'220 products
- Licitatie Mixta0 products
- Ronnie Leusink "Maraton Extrem, la EXTREM"0 products
- Paulsen en zoon, asi la Barcelona si Marseille0 products
- Silviu Glodeanu – "Romanian Wonder Boy"0 products
- Johan Engels: Super Maraton Barcelona0 products
- Wiel Schaefer-1 Nat. Maraton Crescator Olanda 20220 products
- Lei Martens (Stein): Licitatie EVENIMENT0 products
- P.Stammen en Zoon- Maraton de varf european0 products
- Mario Wijnen (NL) "The best of Marathon"0 products
- Myron Mestrini, direct in Top0 products
- BEST of OLR and One Day Distance, by Ronny de Muynck0 products
- John Vullers: Maraton la Superlativ0 products
- Mevlut Tekin "Mister Perpignan"0 products
- Piet Heikamp & Marco van Doorn0 products
- Jan Polder-Marathon Master Worldwide0 products
- Gabriel Nica-Triplu Campion National 20200 products
- Florin Grigorescu – Maraton romanesc de top0 products
- Elvis Ochea-Maraton de TOP, si nu numai0 products
- Jan Corstjens " Maraton Special"0 products
- Simion Emil & Stelian Dumitran0 products
- Test0 products
- Joh. de Jong: Maraton Extrem0 products
- Dirk van de Bulck & Stefaan Lambrechts Festival0 products
- Marathon Festival0 products
- Cristian Pughiuc, maratonist pur-sange0 products
- Karel Rudoph "PigeonsForFirstPrice"0 products
- Long distance Collection – Famous bloodlines0 products
- Dirk van de Bulck & Stefaan Lambrechts Festival0 products
- Pret fix531 products
Start licitație: 30 DECEMBRIE-13 IANUARIE
Willy Simons nu este nimeni altcineva decat fiul lui Albert Simons, creatorul lui Oud Doffertje! Si tot tatal lui Willy, a fost cel care a pus bazele succesului fenomenalei familii Freialdenhofen, prin intermediul lui De Simons Doffer. Pe langa familia Freialdenhofen, porumbeii lui Simons au facut "mare" si crescatoria lui Bernd Morsnowski, am putea spune "un titan" al maratonului European. Dupa moartea fulgeratoare a tatalui Albert, Willy a continuat sa concureze din noua locatie (Belgia), cu aceeasi porumbei, si cu rezultate deosebite. Ca sa vorbim de rezultatele recente, Willy a castigat: 1 Limburg long distance Marathon 1 Marathon champion 2020 1 champion extreme long distance MKFV 2022 4e Great long distance old birds 1+2 3e Extreme long distance yearlings 1+2 1e International 1+2 GENERAL CHAMPION MKFV 2022 GRAND DISTANCE Toti porumbeii din licitatie, sunt absolut incredibili de buni in mana, asa cum este intreaga familie de porumbei ai lui Willy.